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Rolando Lane

certificazione RWS per B&B New Zealand

ci pregiamo trasmetterVi il comunicato ufficiale del ns Fornitore neozelandese:

Dear all,

Some of you will have heard about the Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) which has been promoted world-wide, with several large retail brand owners showing interest in this.

For more information about the Standard please visit   http://responsiblewool.org/

We have been reluctant to promote this standard for several reasons:

  • Uncertainty around availability of wool that meets the standard.
  • No scouring plant certified in NZ.
  • Compliance Cost for all involved.

However, with some customers encouraging us to look into this further, I am pleased to advise that BLOCH & BEHRENS has now become RWS Certified!!

We have worked closely with the New Zealand scouring plants, who also became RWS Certified in October this year.

We have access to a limited volume of greasy wool that meets the RWS standard, and as a result we have now produced our first 20 ton parcel of RWS certified Scoured lambswool:

Now that we have created a pathway for SCOURED NZ wool to meet this standard, we are keen to get some feedback from the market place to hear if there is any interest in this standard before we start encouraging our farmers to look at becoming certified.

Due to the high compliance cost associated with meeting the standard, there will be an additional price to pay for this certification. This premium will be establish over time dictated by Supply and Demand, but as an indication for crossbred wools – just to cover the compliance costs and extra scouring costs, we would be looking around 50 USC/Kg.

We would be very keen to hear from anyone who thinks this RWS standard is of interest to them.

Best Regards,

Palle Petersen

General Manager

Bloch & Behrens Wool (NZ) Ltd
A subsidiary of PGG Wrightson Ltd.

503 Blenheim Road, Sockburn
Christchurch 8042
PO Box 9024, Tower Junction
Christchurch 8149
Ph. 03 343 9100
DDI. 03 343 8101

Fax. 03 343 9108
Mob. 021 645 763
Helping grow the country



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